Publications of the Institute of Electrotechnology

Showing results 661 - 680 out of 770


Irretier O, Baake E, Geiger R. Stand der Technik der industriellen mittelbaren Widerstandserwärmung. Elektrowärme international : EWI ; Zeitschrift für elektrothermische Prozesse. 2000;58(2):63-72.
Jakovics A, Nacke B, Madzulis I, Frishfelds V. Influence of melt flow and temperature on erosion of refractory and deposit formation in aluminium melting furnaces. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Pamir Conference on Magnetohydrodynamic at Dawn of Third Millenium: Presquile de Giens, France, September 18 - 22, 2000. Vol. 2. Grenoble: LEGI. 2000. p. 851-856
Nacke B, Mühlbauer A, Bernier F, Vogt M. Schmelzen innovativer Werkstoffe für Hochtemperaturanwendungen im Kaltwand-Induktions-Tiegelofen. In Workshop Reihe Elektroprozesstechnik: Induktionserwärmung : 28. - 29.Sept. 2000. Ilmenau. 2000
Nauvertat G, Nikanorov A, Mühlbauer A. Optimiertes Design induktiver Querfeld-Erwärmungsanlagen. Elektrowärme international : EWI ; Zeitschrift für elektrothermische Prozesse. 2000;58(1):22-29.
Nauvertat G, Mühlbauer A, Nacke B, Nikanorov A. Werkzeuge zum optimierten Design induktiver Querfelderwärmer. In Workshop Reihe Elektroprozesstechnik: Induktionserwärmung : 28. - 29.Sept. 2000. Ilmenau. 2000
Ratnieks G, Muiznieks A, Buligins L, Raming G, Mühlbauer A, Lüdge A et al. Influence of the three dimensionality of the HF electromagnetic field on resistivity variations in Si single crystals during FZ growth. Journal of crystal growth. 2000 Jun 15;216(1):204-219. doi: 10.1016/S0022-0248(00)00354-7
Trümmann H, Nacke B. Universelle Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Infrarotthermografie. Elektrowärme international : EWI ; Zeitschrift für elektrothermische Prozesse. 2000;58(3):118-124.
Wetzel T, Mühlbauer A, Nacke B. Einsatz numerischer Simulationswerkzeuge bei der Entwicklung elektrothermischer Anlagen und Prozesse. Elektrowärme international : EWI ; Zeitschrift für elektrothermische Prozesse. 2000;58(4):157-163.
Wetzel T, Baake E, Mühlbauer A. Energy requirements and ways of saving energy in the production process of photovoltaic modules. International Journal of Solar Energy. 2000;20(3):185-196. doi: 10.1080/01425910008914354


Baake E, Mühlbauer A. Experimental determination of turbulent flow characteristics, temperature and electromagnetic force density fields in the melt of induction furnaces. In International Workshop on Measuring Techniques for Liquid Metal Flows (MTLM): Dresden-Rossendorf, October 11 - 13, 1999. Dresden: Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf. 1999
Baake E, Mühlbauer A, Nacke B. Heat and mass transfer in the Tubulent Melt Flow of the Crucible Inductor Furnace. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling of Material Processing: Riga, May 28 - 29, 1999 / organized by Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Technological Processes, University of Latvia and Institute for Electroheat, University of Hannover . Riga: University of Latvia. 1999
Baake E, Wetzel T. Themen, Trends und Highlights auf dem Technologie-Forum International. Elektrowärme international : EWI ; Zeitschrift für elektrothermische Prozesse. 1999;57(B3):135-140.
Bernier F, Vogt M. Influence of furnace arrangement on the melt flow and the thermal behaviour of the melt in an induction furnace with cold crucible. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling of Material Processing: Riga, May 28 - 29, 1999 / organized by Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Technological Processes, University of Latvia and Institute for Electroheat, University of Hannover . Riga: University of Latvia. 1999
Gross C, Assmus W, Muiznieks A, Mühlbauer A, Stenzel C, Schulz O. Possible use of Skull melting under microgravity. Journal of crystal growth. 1999 Mar;198-199(PART I):188-193. doi: 10.1016/S0022-0248(98)01093-8
Gross C, Assmus W, Muiznieks A, Raming G, Mühlbauer A, Stenzel C. Power consumption of skull melting, Part I: Analytical aspects and experiments. Crystal research and technology. 1999 Apr 16;34(3):319-328. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1521-4079(199903)34:3<319::AID-CRAT319>3.0.CO;2-M
Jakovics A, Baake E. Bericht vom International Scientific Colloquium 'Modelling of Material Processing' in Riga, Lettland. Elektrowärme international : EWI ; Zeitschrift für elektrothermische Prozesse. 1999;57(B3):141-143.
Jakovics A, Gendelis S, Trümmann H, Virbulis J. Combined applications of thermography, heat transfer measurement and heat consumption modelling in the reconstruction of buildings. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling of Material Processing: Riga, May 28 - 29, 1999 / organized by Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Technological Processes, University of Latvia and Institute for Electroheat, University of Hannover . Riga: University of Latvia. 1999. p. 158-167
Krauze A, Muiznieks A, Wetzel T, Raming G, Mühlbauer A, Buligins L et al. Some aspects of numerical modelling of turbulent low Re melt flow during CZ silicon single crystal growth. In Proceedings of the International Colloquium Modelling of Material Processing: Riga, May 28 - 29, 1999 / organized by Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Technological Processes, University of Latvia and Institute for Electroheat, University of Hannover . Riga: University of Latvia. 1999. p. 54-59
Mühlbauer A. Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zur EMV: Magnetische Streufelder in der Umgebung von Induktionsanlagen. EMC-Kompendium : elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit ; das Referenzbuch für angewandte EMV und die CE-Kennzeichnung ; eine Sonderpubl. des EMC-Journals . 1999;1999:85.
Mühlbauer A, Muiznieks A, Raming G, Riemann H, Lüdge A. Numerical modelling of the microscopic inhomogeneities during FZ silicon growth. Journal of crystal growth. 1999 Mar;198-199(PART I):107-113. doi: 10.1016/S0022-0248(98)01158-0